Garden of Eden 7 Day Detox eBook
“This detox plan was created from a place of divine revelation. As a board certified surgeon I've seen people suffer with many medical ailments that can be treated if not cured by proper eating. After much prayer and study I developed what I feel is a well balanced, nutritious, tasty, and effective Weight loss detox program. It is inspired by the Genesis of meal plans in which man was told to eat of every fruit bearing tree which was pleasing to the sight and good for food. The garden of Eden detox plan is a jumpstart to help you begin a healthier lifestyle.”
“This detox plan was created from a place of divine revelation. As a board certified surgeon I've seen people suffer with many medical ailments that can be treated if not cured by proper eating. After much prayer and study I developed what I feel is a well balanced, nutritious, tasty, and effective Weight loss detox program. It is inspired by the Genesis of meal plans in which man was told to eat of every fruit bearing tree which was pleasing to the sight and good for food. The garden of Eden detox plan is a jumpstart to help you begin a healthier lifestyle.”

“This detox plan was created from a place of divine revelation. As a board certified surgeon I've seen people suffer with many medical ailments that can be treated if not cured by proper eating. After much prayer and study I developed what I feel is a well balanced, nutritious, tasty, and effective Weight loss detox program. It is inspired by the Genesis of meal plans in which man was told to eat of every fruit bearing tree which was pleasing to the sight and good for food. The garden of Eden detox plan is a jumpstart to help you begin a healthier lifestyle.”